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Native Pathways to Education
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Tlingit RavenPauline Duncan's Tlingit Curriculum Resources - Picking Berries

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Berry picking in
Alaska is fun. I will go
and go until
the day is done.



This book represents the continuing tradition of the passing down of the knowledge of our forests and all that they provide for us to our grandchildren. May they walk in the way of our forefathers and know that they will never do without, so long as they know the ways of old.

This book is dedicated to the birth of two new grandchildren; Tristian and Alise Duncan. May their spirit be as rich and bright as the berries in Southeast Alaska. I look forward to many berry picking hours with them.

May the forest always open its boughs of treasure to those with the knowledge to see it.



Gray Current


Jacob's Berry



Devil Club


©January 1988
Pauline Duncan Publication
Sitka, Alaska


A Teacher

Colors-May the bright colors remind you of children who come to school and look to you as the one who will help to make their day shine with color and brightness.

Individual-A salmonberry comes in different shapes, colors, and flavors. Children are individuals and come to you in different shapes, colors, flavors.

Patience-When picking the salmonberry, one must be very patient. Each berry has to be carefully picked. When working with children, one must be very patient. Each child has to be carefully worked with.

Savor-Salmonberries grow and mature quickly. Here today, gone tomorrow. Savor the presence of children, devote quality time and care. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Compassion-A salmonberry is very fragile. If abused, it can be damaged. A child, too, is very fragile. Always treat children with care and compassion.

Grooming-Mother Nature grooms the salmonberry bushes so they can reach their greatest potential. We, like Mother Nature must groom our children to reach their greatest potential.

Connection-The simple salmonberry is the result of the many connections of its surroundings. As a teacher, always remember the role you will play in connecting and working with your students and their family.

Survival-In order for the salmonberry to survive, it depends on many others. It depends on water, the sun, the rain, the wind, and the soil. A child in order to survive and continue growing depends on individual they are in contact with to make a positive impact with to make a positive impact on their lives forever.

The Salmonberry is a popular berr found in Alaska. A Pauline Duncan Tlingit Language and Lore Educational Publication ~Sitka, Alaska © January 1988 Pauline Duncan Publication *Sitka, Alaska 99835 (907) 747-6987.

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Last modified August 18, 2006