Place Based Education - Resourecs for Southeast Alaska Educators

Chilkat Spirit by Mike A. Jackson

March 31, 2003

To Whom It May Concern:

My Tlingit name is Aakw'taatseen. I am a member of the Raven Moiety Kiks.ádi Clan of Sheet'ká Kwaan. I am the Hít S'áati (House Leader) of X'aaká Hít (Point House). My Anglo name is Fred Hope. My father's Clan is the Kaagwaantaan/Ch'áak' Kúdi Hít (Eagle's Nest House) of Sheet'ká Kwaan.

I am happy to endorse the I Am Salmon Curriculum Project. I am particularly pleased that Andrew Hope III, on behalf of the Southeast Alaska Tribal College (SEATC), has developed a Web site to disseminate Place-Based Education Resources for Southeast Alaska Educators.

The SEATC Web site includes materials developed by Richard and Nora Dauenhauer, Roby Littlefield, Ethel Makinen and Lydia George. In particular, this group has produced a variety of resources derived from the Kiks.ádi story, Aakw'taatseen. The story is often called "Moldy End" or "Moldy Collar Tip." It is also described as the "Boy who went to live with the salmon people," or the "Prince and the Salmon People." It is sometimes referred to as "Salmon Boy." The preferred Tlingit title is "Aak'wtaatseen," after one of the boy's personal names.

I encourage educators and the public to utilize the I Am Salmon Curriculum Resources. I am confident that dissemination of these materials and resources will contribute to the education of children and the general public.


Fred Hope
Sitka, Alaska

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