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Athabascan RavenPreliminary Study of the Western Gwich'in Bands

Adeline Peter-Raboff

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K'iitl'it and Di'haii Gwich'in Distribution: 1820-1847
5. K'iit['it and Di'h288 Gwich'in Distribution: 1820-1847, Raboff and Farrell, 1997.

Map Legend, Figure 5


A. Nuvularuaq, 1820, Burch

B. Etivluk also archealogical site, Paneak,

C. K'iit['it/ Anaktuvuk Pass

D. Killik River, Paneak

E. Kanuti River, McFadyen-Clark

F. 25 Miles below Stevens Village.

Settlements and sightings:

1. Trade at Kateel River Settlement, 1842, Zagoskin.

2. The boy Passak, 1854, Maguire

3. Four Di'h288 Gwich 'in , seen by Maguire.

4. Trade at Tanana, McDonald, 1866-77

5. Portage Creek, Joe Sun.

6. Killik Settlement, Paneak

7. Nigu Settlement, Paneak

8, 9, 10, 11, 12: K'iit['it and Di'h288 Sightings

13. Chandler Lake, Paneak

14. K'iit['it along Alatna, Steven Peter, Sr..

15. K'iit['uu , Peter

16. Koyukon meet Di'h288, Joe Beetus, 1870.

17. Shrader; Horace Mt, Phoebe and Robert Creek, 1899.

18. Chandalar Lake, Mary Ch'antsihch'ok, S. Peter, Sr..

19. White Eye, S. Peter, Sr..

20. Kahts'ik, S. Peter, Sr..

21. Fort Yukon, Murray, Hardisty, McDonald.

22. Tsuk K'oo, S. Peter, Sr..

23. Tr'ootsyaa Vatthal, S. Peter, Sr., Hadleigh-West, 1866


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Last modified August 16, 2006