Unangam tunuu Color Words

Unangam tunuu color words in color: Use this option in the pdf (printer document file) version. Otherwise the resolution will not be satisfactory. If you have not yet learned the sound system for Unangam tunuu, see the glossary in the appendix for "say-it" cues.

If you have a great color printer this method of showing the words will help students, young and old, remember the colors they represent. To do white one must have a dark background. Silvery and grey are represented by the same word. You can make one grey and one silver in both dialects if you have the available color source, such as paint.

These work great on bulletin boards, flash cards, posters or you can paint them on t-shirts or sweatshirts. Rearrange them however you like: This is but one way to accelerate comprehension.

Symbols: E = Eastern dialect; W= Western dialect; and (r) = Russian loanword




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