Jessel Miller

Renowned watercolor artist Jessel Miller was raised in Canada and landed in the Bay Area after graduating from the University of Florida. Her work has been exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modem Art. Miller is best known for her original works featured on posters for the annual Napa Valley Mustard Festival. Owner of the 10,000 square foot Jessel Gallery in Napa, California, Miller is also the author of several children's books including the Mustard trilogy, a collection of books about soft love and strong values.

Jessel Gallery
1019 Atlas Peak Road
Napa, CA 945584

Children's Book Award:
Angels in the Vineyards

Two shooting stars cross the summer sky as Angels, Ease and Grace. They have landed on Earth to answer a Mother's prayer for her very modern children quite influenced by television and the digital world.

Set in a lush valley of life, this enchanting poem reflects back to days-gone-by and simpler times when life was lived at a slower pace and the journey was as joyful as the destination.

As keepers of the old ways, the two angels ignite the spark in all children to claim the gift of their own imagination.

"In these difficult times in the world we inhabit today, children-more than ever before-need love and strong guidance and a vision of beauty and peace in order to manifest hope for the future of the Earth and all of its people. Jessel Miller's message offers inspiration in the discovery of simple pleasures. She leads us all by example through her beautiful words and art."

-Marie Anderson

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