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6-8 Grade Unit
Lesson three:

Materials: white construction paper, tempera paint, bowls for paint, computers, paint brushes, salmon skin, whole salmon, scrapers, cardboard papers for scrapping, journals and pencils.

Objective: The students will learn that there are patterns on the salmon skin and there are different sizes of scales. The students will practice the Athabascan terms for the salmon parts. The students will learn the process for tanning salmon skins.

Alaska Standards: Science A15, B1, B2, B5, B6, D1, and D2. Language Arts A1, A2, B3, C1, and C2. Math C1, C4, D1, D2, D3, E2, and E3. Technology A1,A2,B1,D1,E3, and E6.

Cultural Standards: A3,B1, B2, C1, C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7.

Procedures: The teacher will gather the group around one salmon and count the number of small, medium, and large scales found on the 2"x 2" piece of salmon skin. The students will make a graph in their journals of the different sizes of salmon scales. The teacher will then demonstrate the art of making a salmon print using tempera paint and white construction paper. Each student will complete a salmon print with their favorite colors. As a closure for the day, the teacher will explain the tanning process for salmon skins and write the information on the blackboard. Each student will write the process of tanning a salmon skin in their journals. The computers will be used to make the graphs of the sizes of the salmon scales.

Evaluation: Each student will have a complete salmon print and will have recorded the tanning process they observed. The student will also make a graph on the computer of the salmon scales found on a 2" x 2" piece of salmon skin. The teacher will evaluate the journals every two to three days for correct procedures.

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