
A long time ago, when our elders were young, people used to go ratting for muskrats. They lived in different camps. That was the way they made money. Selling muskrat skins. They usually went in early April. And stayed there till after breakup or till they quit ratting. The camp was called 'gather up camp.' They called it that cause that's where everyone came togather.

They fished out that way to. They set the fish nets in a slough or a lake. They paddled so you didn't have to worry about anyone running over the fish nets. They paddled a long way to get to their nets. They go in April and fish till june or july. They caught dog salmon. They'll dry it for winter. They did that for dogs and for eating. Then they'll bale the fish. They'll put a whole bunch of fish then put it in a frame. Twenty-five fish made a bale. They'll sell this in stores for dog feed and for people to eat. They made alot of money this way. They'll store the rest of the fish in the cache. They didn't lock the cache up cause you didn't have to worry about anyone taking your food.

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